Harmonization Center

Inside the Menhir, a chamber has been built, including a sample of every product of Irati Organic, as well as the essence obtained from Irati Forest and from the medicinal plants that are cultivated in Bordablanca. It also has information from the Irati River, which joins the Forest and the Farm. What is more, every product of the Irati Organic line contains the information that is inside of the menhir. This way, through the Harmonization Center a subtle connection among the Irati Forest, products and the medicinal plants that are cultivated in Bordablanca is created, which preserves Josenea’s soul.
Inside the Menhir’s chamber, there is an Armonite, work of sculptor Hamilton Duque. This Armonite is based on the golden number and the Fiobanacci series and it also includes harmonizing wave forms of the Universe as well as archetypal and originator information.
In fact, the Armonite is oval and inside it, the five Platonic solids can be observed (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and Icosahedron), covered by the tetrahedral star or Merkaba and the sphere. On the bottom it has an orgonite base shaped like the Lotus Flower fruit. Lied on it, we found the representative elements of the three kingdoms, the mineral, the vegetable and the animal. There are also put different types of quartz and amethysts together with gold leaf and silver. In the Armonite’s heart, a vial with harmonizing information has been included, activated by two spherical magnets

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